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Drunk Fireworks, A Love Drunk Spicy Romantic Comedy Short Story is LIVE!

“Drunk Fireworks was so hot, I had to go outside in the summer to cool off!”

“Tanner and Theo are so sexy yet so sweet! The perfect mix!”

“Hot damn! Theo and Tanner are FIREWORKS!”

“Best. One. Yet! I freaking love these hilarious and hot stories!”


Theo is excited to meet back up with his Memorial Day fling over the 4th of July weekend.

Tanner has been counting down the days until he can see Theo again.

With the chemistry between them still as hot as the Louisiana heat while the passion rivals the colorful bursts in the night sky, the weekend is sure to be explosive.

As the metal beer caps grow and the bottles are drained, will actual feelings come into play? Does their summer fling have real potential to become something more? Or will their spark fizzle into smoke as they return back to their real lives?

*Drunk Fireworks is an Male/Male New Adult Romance and is the seventh book in the Drunk Love Spicy Romantic Comedy Short Story Series. All books are/will be New Adult to Adult content and are between 8K-10K words.

©Skye Turner 2022

My tongue slides against his as his hands slide over my ass, yanking me against him, allowing me to feel his erection. Tanner sucks on my tongue in the same rhythm that our hips are bumping together. My dick hardens further, causing me to groan as the material rubs against the top of my erection, where it’s popped out of the top of my boxers.

Tanner groans as my hands leave his back to drift over his abs and down the front of his shorts. I cup him through the thin material, causing him to jerk in my hand. Breaking the kiss, he leans back, breathing harshly as his eyes glisten, almost pulsing with the fervor of his want.

“Theo, I need you,” he growls.

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